31 December 2007

List I

I like making lists. Most of these lists are on my mind and I never really jot them down. This is an attempt to actually jot down lists on my mind.

10 things I hate about muself:

I am lazy. I do not need to say anything further.
I trust people a little too easily. Effect: Don’t even ask?
I am inconsistent and moody.
I crib a lot usually for the most arbid and useless things (persons as well).
I have no control over myself when it comes to junk food, coffee and dance.
I make resolutions and I break them. Either I should stop making them or I should stick to them.
My expectations from people are at times a little too high, so in most cases I end up disappointed. I need to check that, hmm.
I am not very good at expressing whats on my mind and heart.
I am disorganised.
My attention span is too short.

Hmm, so these were the 10 things that I really dislike about myself. Now, 10 things that I hate about others.

People who are Judgemental
People who take me for granted
People who do not respond to my sms/calls
Chauvinists and pseudo feminists
People who think they are doing mankind a good deed by just being on this planet.
People who stink.
Rascists and fundamentalists

Somehow, cannot think of the 10th thing that I hate about others.


arunabh said...

Solid list :)
Incidentally, the 10 things that i hate about others would be more or less on similar lines.
My 10th thing would be people who look down upon Southpark :D

all that matters said...


:), I still can't really figure out the 10th thing...

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.

arunabh said...

I am going by the assumption that you don't detest the cartoon series Southpark like many others do.
I know its rude, crassy, crude, gross etc etc.. but whatever, i still like it.
So i don't really like people who think Southpark is shallow :)

all that matters said...

Your assumption is quite right... All the adjectives that you have used aren't that bad always... If you know what I mean :)

txandi prost said...

i came across you blog through Lash; i stand and face a mirror.~t~

Anon said...

heh. agree with your list. the most irritating aspect in others is pseudo feminism. :|

all that matters said...

@ kritzmat

Absolutely... Somehow it annoys me more than male chauvinism.

Anon said...

yeah me too... makes you wanna chase them down a hill :D

Anonymous said...

i think u should just offer a quick thanks to your stars that i'm not in a mood to start with my philosophical crap :P

all that matters said...

@ sandandingdang

And if I say that I want to hear your philosophical crap...

Anonymous said...

ah well.. you asked for it :P.. don't say i never warned you:

1. we all are judgemental.. when one says.. "hey! stop being judgemental" or "oh god! she's so judgemental".. i guess one is judging the person

2. do i need to justify how everyone is a hypocrite too? :P.. c'mon.. one can't escape it.. hypocrisy is in our blood.. the amount of it surely varies though

3. it's weird really.. we, as humans, want to be judged but don't want to be judged.. if you know what i mean.. if i accept your actions then the you won't mind being judged by me.. else if i cannot tolerate them.. then you won't wanna know what i'm thinking of ur idea.. basically you then don't wanna be judged :S.. we are weird... i know

4. we all are pretty much self-obsessed :)

that's about it.. as much relating to your points i mean :)

all that matters said...


i agree with you... its the extent which determines... to the point where its normal its fine but when its overdone is the time when it irks me...

The New Age Superhero said...

oh god! you were actually able to survive that!! :P

all that matters said...


Survive what???